Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Looking to get inspired

After spending yesterday riding around the back hills country roads of the Cumberland Plateau with my husband in search of the perfect flowers, shrubs and trees for our nursery, I have to admit that I'm beginning to get excited to create some pretty floral displays around the house. I have to get out the pics from last year's displays to give me inspiration though as for some reason, it just doesn't come to me without pictures! Last year was the first year that I planted red ivy geraniums int he window boxes and I fell in love with them. They were so healthy all summer...and I mean ALL summer! They went in the planter in May and bloomed all the way til November! I couldn't believe it. But they are winners in my book and I'm going with them again this year.

 And at my birdbath, I planted Russian Sage for the first time last year. I love the look of it beside the Sweet Potato vine in the dish garden with red geraniums of course! The daylily was about to burst forth in bloom, too. And that's purple coneflower to the right of the birdbath. I'm going for a similar look this year since most of the plants are perennials in that little garden. Can't wait to get started on making my pots! But, now, they're calling for frost tomorrow night....guess I need to wait a day or so....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Become a Follower!

I've been doing some "research" on the HELP link here on Blogger and they suggest that my friends and family that have a "slight interest" in the goings on around here, become "Followers" so that you can easily find my blog and make comments to my comments, see my pictures, etc. So, if you look to the right of your screen, you will see the gadget with the Followers title. Just click on the word Follow and you will be added to the list! If you're techno-savvy, you can even post a picture of your adorable self and it will show up in the gadget box! It's a nifty way of staying in touch without having to wade through all the excess comments from all your friends on Facebook, and it's more cheery than email ! So, please take a moment and join my following!

PS. Also, another little fun thing I've added is Music! If you scroll down the page a bit, on the left side, you'll see a list of songs...most are Christian...(Chris Tomlin, Hillsong, Robin Mark, etc.) that I really like. Anyway, just click on those and you can hear them while you browse my blog. Or, do what I do...I leave the window open to my blog (for the music factor) and then open another window in Explorer to do my internet browsing! Makes surfing the internet so much more fun and pleasant! Hugs :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Songbird Quilt is Finished!

I am very happy to report that the long awaited day has come and the Songbird quilt is finished! It has been taken to the quilt shop to be lovingly quilted by my good friend, Kathy...who has determined to quilt it in "whatever mood strikes me" when laid out into the machine! Since I trust her implicitly to do a wonderful job, I know that it will turn out just the way I like it. My only concern is that it turns out the way the lady that is buying it from me likes it!! But she is such a bird lover that I think she will. I'll post a picture below and you can make your own judgement on it. It's a bit "busy" for my taste, but, each to his own! I'm just glad to have it finished--even though there are no mitered corners, I think that the cornerstones framed with birds are just fine. (I owe that design decision to the same friend, Kathy, that is doing the quilting! How much I owe to her expertise. . .

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Almost a Month

Well, it's been almost a month since the last comment on the Songbird quilt. It is just about finished! But, I am having some problems with the borders. The pattern calls for mitered corners and that is all well and good and would look wonderful....except for one minor detail. The bottom border of the quilt would have all the birds UPSIDE DOWN if I did that!!! I think that would look quite ridiculous...birds perched on a branch 100% upside down. So, there will be no mitered corners on this quilt. Which means I have to figure out what there will be...which is the main reason that a whole week has gone by and I haven't touched it. I am almost to the point of picking it up again because I think I have a solution (with the help of a friend who knows more about quilts than I do). Perhaps, before too long, I will have it finished! Look for a picture by the end of this week....hopefully!