Tuesday, March 3, 2009

In Like a Lion...

Here we are on the third day of March and it feels like the middle of January. But, as I recall from my childhood days, probably around third grade somewhere, my teacher spoke of the seasons and taught me the adage, "March comes in like a lion, but goes out like a lamb." And it always seems to hold true. We know that spring is on the way, warmer days are just around the corner...and WE CAN'T WAIT ! We always long for the changing of the spy that first blooming daffodil, the cheery little robin hopping across the lawn in search of that tasty morsel of worm, the beginning of buds appearing, and my favorite of all, that lovely lime green cast that the trees carry on their boughs as we gaze across the Tennessee hills and valleys...yes, I just can't wait to see it once again. We love you, Spring!
And with spring, comes the beginning of new life in the nursery. EverGreen Farm will soon have pots of lovely blossoms, like those in the picture above from years past, and eager customers coming down the lane looking for just the right combination of flowers and greenery for their decks and landscapes. My dear Lamar has been getting several calls already from people wanting to purchase blueberry bushes and grapevines for their garden plots. I have a feeling that people are going to be purchasing more edible plants this year than before because of the unstable economy. Dollars may be going to go for the practical this year rather than the posh. Whichever it is, he wants to be ready with good quality plants for his great customers! You can be sure there will be lots of varieties of tomatoes and peppers, too. Gotta have the goods for makin' salsa, ya know!!