Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ringing in the Season

As most of us can agree when yesterday, we flipped the calendar over to a new month, we couldn't believe December was upon us so quickly once again! I just don't know how the time can possibly fly by so quickly! But here we are closing in on the end of the year. The beautiful part about coming to this place in time, is the fact that our hearts turn to the event that rocked the world. The most beautiful event that time would ever record. Our God turned His Love into a person and sent Him to earth to become what we could never attain...a sinless, spotless Lamb, willing to sacrifice Himself for the likes of us! How beautiful is that?

As we pause and switch gears to reflect and celebrate this lovely Advent Season, in preparation for His coming, I'd like to offer this moving tribute to my Lord and Savior found in the hustle and bustle of the ordinary shopping mall...a few chosen people took time to express themselves in front of the world, expressing in no uncertain terms, their joy over the fact that the Lord has come! HALLELUJAH!