I love the scripture in Matthew about how we are to look at the birds of the air...they do not sow nor reap, yet our heavenly Father feeds them...Yes, He is the Great Provider. Not only of our physical needs, but our emotional ones as well. I've needed some emotional strength in the past few days and though I did not directly ask Him for it, He knew of the need and abundantly provided it. I realized that this morning. When I took the time to look. I became aware that His provisions to fill my need came in many and various ways...
- from the love of my daughter who had casually mentioned she was "homesick" for a visit and a chat from me; (We spent hours talking late into the night--what a joy!)
- from my soon-to-be 5 year old granddaughter who told me that when she "grows up she wants to be a grandma" like me; ( I must be doing something good to attract her to that!)
- from attending church and being surrounded in a new way with voices on either side of me singing songs of praise and worship to the Lord I love so much; (A slice of Heaven for me!)
- from making a choice to take advantage of the opportunity I'd been given to share the Lord I've come to know with young middle schoolers; (His gift of teaching to me-it's so natural)
- from having one of those kids reveal the most awesome truth...out of the mouths of babes...(the young boy stated in the most serious, sincere voice, his definition of the void of life before Christ--"it was like always wanting, always looking, for something inside and never receiving it, always hoping I could get rid of that feeling. I finally did when I gave my life to Jesus last year"); (A truth that filled me with joy as I heard him share--and know inside that he has been touched by Him)
- from sitting in an auditorium yesterday afternoon and hearing 30+ women give individual testimonies of the reality of God in their lives. . . fresh from the experience, weeping tears of joy-filled, overflowing hearts beating with new knowledge of how deep, and deeper still, flows the love of God for each one who takes the time to focus on Him and His care, His Love, for us;
- and then today--in the words of one, an author I have just recently been reacquainted with, as she spoke of fighting the battle within to have things, circumstances, life, go "her way" and not His, reasoning with Him, asking the "why" question over and over, and finally, weary from the war, relinquishing her will to His and the joy that is inexpressible and fills the soul that becomes the result of that relinquishment;
- and then, before sitting down to write, stepping out on the balcony of my room and being overwhelmed at the life of His created things...a chipmunk scampering across the beam of the pasture-field fence, a mockingbird and its loyal mate singing love songs to one another, a cardinal peeping its head out from among the leaves of the forsythia, and a gorgeous red-headed woodpecker chipping away at tasty morsels at the top of the telephone pole. Who taught them how to seek their sustenance? Who filled them with the knowledge? Only You. Lord.