Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How beautiful!

My sister-in-law, Kathy recently sent this picture of her backyard. I thought it was so pretty that I just wanted to share it with all of you. Many of the hostas in the picture came from our nursery here at Ever Green Farm. A few weeks ago, Kathy was visiting us and spending most of her time here helping out and working with her brother (my husband) in the nursery. Guess what they were doing? Splitting hostas! Guess she took some of that knowledge home with her and divided her stash up, too! It looks like they survived the split!
Another thing she took home with her from Tennessee was the bench you see in the middle of the picture. That was handcrafted by my son-in-law, along with help and advice from my grandsons! I love the benches because he incorporates holes in the seat area that are the perfect size for pots of flowers! Very innovative and so lovely, don't you think?
This just looks like the perfect place to come away meditate or pray...or just dream....
You've done a great job on it, Kathy! Congrats!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Angel Houses Quilt

I finished this sweet pastel baby quilt, using the pattern, "Angel Houses" by Bunny Hill Designs. I made it for a sweet friend of mine who recently had her 4th little girl! I wanted to make sure there was lots of pink in it and I think I succeeded! This pattern was easy as pie to make and has the added benefit of being free! I downloaded it from the Bunny Hill website : click here  I'm taking it to Spring Creek Quilts to get it quilted this afternoon. 

We are counting our blessings today that we narrowly missed the 2010 Deluge of Rain that was released on Middle Tennessee this weekend. Our farm received only 8.5 inches in 2 compared with Nashville that received  13 + and some communities west of them got 18" !Here is an AP article put out today telling of some of the devastation: AP article
and then video of what was experienced by drivers on Saturday on I-40.  
Our prayers are with all that are experiencing the heartache of the floodwaters and upturned lives. May the Lord richly provide for their many needs.